White Noise Creator
White Noise Creator lets you convert and professionally loop most audio files into White Noise Audio (WNA) files. White Noise Audio files can be opened in our White Noise mobile and desktop applications. Just provide a sound file, photo, and give it a name and the Creator software does the rest. The resulting White Noise Audio file can be opened with White Noise for iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows!

How to use the White Noise Creator?
1. Drag an Audio File into the sound window or use the File/Open menu to start the sound conversion and GeniusLoop process.
*Sounds created with White Noise Creator 4 require at least White Noise 6 for Android, iOS, or Mac and White Noise 4 for Windows

2. Audio will playback 2 seconds before the loop point so you can listen and review. Our unique GeniusLoop algorithm analyzes the sound data to create the perfect audio loop.
*If your original audio source is already looped or you don’t want the audio modified then uncheck the GeniusLoop option.
3. Tap Next to add a photo 🖼, title, and description to your sound. It’s best to use a high resolution image that is at least 1024×1024. Move the photo focus point (red crosshairs) on the photo to a location you feel best represents the sound.
4. Add a short title, long title, and even longer description. The short title is used when mixing sounds together. The long title is displayed on the main screen of the White Noise application. You can also add an optional sound and image credit.
Click Save to generate the WNA file to your desktop.

5. You can e-mail the WNA file to your device or open it up on your mobile device using cloud file sharing (ex: Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud Drive, etc).
How to install White Noise Creator?
1. For Mac – Download WhiteNoiseCreator.dmg, open the file, and then drag the WhiteNoiseCreator.app into the Applications folder. Run WhiteNoiseCreator.app to start creating new sounds. Note: If the application fails to launch you’ll need to go into your Settings / Security & Privacy, click unlock button, and allow apps downloaded from “Mac App Store and identified developers.”
2. For Windows – Download WhiteNoiseCreator.zip and unzip all the contents into a new folder. Run setup.exe to install and then run White Noise Creator from the start menu. Note: If there are errors after launching you may need to install “Visual Redistributable 2015-2022 (x86).“
The current version of White Noise Creator is 4.2.1.